About Catch Some Z’s

Catch Some Z’s Podcast is an honest record of a young woman’s journey in pursuit of her wildest dreams. Catch Some Z’s follows the host, Z, as she pinpoints what her dreams really are, and how she’s going to achieve them. Using lessons from her life she is ready to figure all of that out and if you listen closely, you’ll learn something too.

This website has everything you’ll need so you can catch your own Z’s. Every episode is available to you in the “Episodes” tab and they all have transcriptions (well, I’m working on it.) You can also find some entries about Z’s life, some exclusive photos, and you’ll be the first to get any news.

Remember that your wildest dreams are completely attainable, all because you say so.



The pen and case were a gift from Cha’Nel <3

The microphone is a Blue Snowball iCE Microphone

Photo by ShotbyDende

About Z

You would think that since I have a podcast chronicling my life stories I would be able to make a compelling and accurate “about me” section. Is it too much to ask you to listen to the episodes and put the pieces together yourselves? Thank you so much for understanding :)


Photo by ShotbyDende